Sometimes You Just Need to Declare It!



Life is about perspective—we know this.

But when push comes to shove and life gets threatening, it’s easy to forget. Passion fades. Usefulness wanes. Nerves get shot. Hearts frown. And this question bewilders us,

What the heck happened here?”

Painful heartbreaks. Shocking circumstances. Unparalleled confusions—our family has been through it. If I told you everything you’d probably gasp just like the counselor did.

But I made up my mind recently that I wasn’t going to let this get the best of me. Furthermore, neither was it getting the best of my family. Because this is truth:

The Holy Spirit invites each of us daily to get back up in His power, to live again. 

That’s why I started declaring over our family: “It’s a new day, Y’all!” One family member finally exclaimed, “OK, we get it. You don’t have to keep telling us again and again!”

Oh yes I did.

Because sometimes you’ve gotta keep saying it till it gets down into your bones, and moves on into your steps, and finally takes to invading your entire world.

Because here’s what's true, what I’m recalling afresh:

  • Life really is about perspective. Is God Sovereign or not? Then, worship accordingly.
  • Because of redemption we can choose how to view our cup: half empty or full?
  • It is unacceptable to lie down in failure and defeat when the Risen One is IN us.
  • Nothing is ever wasted in God’s economy. Trials are testimonies in the making.
  • No trial or hardship lands on a child of God without asking for His approval first.
  • Which means, we both must require it somehow. He for glory, and us for humility?

Sure. Sin sold us humans into having seasons of heart wrenching grieving, full of mourn. But we don’t have to stay there.

Yes. When broken to pieces we weep, wail, and bleed—wrestling darker emotions. But better days are ours for the taking.

Honestly, you and I have overcome too many other trials to let these take us out now. What if we made up our minds to stop hating them or praying them away but chose to welcome them with a newfound teachable attitude so we can actually learn a few lessons here? Hard times can be the best teachers! For they produce Christ’s holiness in us—for without holiness no one sees God. Hebrews 12:10-11 actually puts it this way,

“For they (our caretakers) disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”

Furthermore, I also keep thinking how our Egypt seasons are, in fact, precursors for God to mystify us all over again by showing off His miraculous power and might in colossal displays of deliverance. Not only this, our Great and Glorious God says, “Plunder the heck out of the enemy, Child. Take your treasures. They’re yours.” And here’s the best part: These are the tools for building God’s house in our appointed generation!

Thinking about all of this brought a familiar Socrates’ quote to mind.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”


Whaddaya say we push up our sleeves, slap on a smile, and get to building?

Whaddaya say we not let our problems get the best of us?

Whaddaya say we get us off of our brains and take to being a help to others?

How ‘bout we turn our frowns upside down and choose to enjoy this life, our life?

How ‘bout we focus on what we do have instead of what we don’t have?

For some this may sound a little too pep-talky; but before you roll your eyes at me, it’s certainly biblical. Please hear me out.

It’s what the Bible calls perseverance; OR self-control and patience and exercising true biblical hope expressed in faith.

It’s setting our eyes on the unseen rather than the seen (2 Cor. 4:18).

It’s setting our minds on the things above, not on the things below (Col. 3:2).

It’s choosing to live in the realm of the supernatural by fixating on Him, on His will alone, remembering that He is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2).

Lastly, it’s embracing the sufferings of Christ in order to bring Our Lord the glory due His Name (Col. 1:24). Indeed, amen and amen.

Dearly Loved, hear me today—

You are not your mess.

You are not your failures.

You are NEVER forsaken.

God says, “You and I are only lovely works in progress.”

Want to join me in living thankful today?