Let The Wedding Bells Ring

Saturday proved to be a fantastic day around the Head home. Our beloved daughter said, "Yes," to her handsome man as he lovingly dropped to one knee. Sometime this upcoming year Peyton will joyfully become Connor's bride. Our happiness as a family is spilling over; we can hardly contain ourselves. We couldn't ask God for a better pick to fill our lives than Samuel Connor Campbell. He's everything we prayed for Peyton's husband to be: he loves Jesus, he's crazy about our girl, he's a godly leader and, honestly, hes a pure delight to be around. Everyone who meets him likes him; he's such a likable young man. We love him, and our extended family does, too.

I had the joy of accompanying him to design Peyton's ring. We had the biggest blast! Her engagement ring band is lovely; we had it made from one of her grandmother's first wedding rings, as well as one of mine. The sentimental value is enormous to Peyton and, of course, her Mimi and I are simply thrilled. Connor relished in the satisfaction of surprising Peyton, and he swore me to secrecy. Shes as sharp as a tack, discerning as ever, and usually hates a surprise. Connor likes to call her a snoop. So it took stealth action to keep her unaware. But this particular time I don't think she minded the surprise too much.

As you can imagine, she and I will soon find ourselves buried in all manner of invitations, dresses, flowers, cakes, and the like. I cannot wait, honestly. Being a mom of a daughter, it feels like I've dreamed of this day since her birth. I have loved being a mom to two daughters.

For you moms of young ones, I'm especially tendered today to tell you how much it's meant to me to see God's man for Peyton's life come to fulfillment. You probably already pray for your child's mate but, if not, can I encourage you to start doing so now? So often through the years I'd try to imagine where he was or what his life was like. In many ways, I feel like I prayed him through his middle school years, then right on through his high-school days too. It's the biggest blast hearing about his life growing up. Even now I'm feeling all goose-bumpy. As I think back, not one prayer over Connors life was wasted. He's a fine young man that loves Jesus—so loving, strong, and wise. Everything I hoped Peyton would call her “husband” one day.

We feel incredibly graced by God in this season. Our lives are far from perfect. We have our crosses to bear. As I imagine, you do as well. But when there's a moment of generous reprieve, there's no shame in savoring it. You better believe that's what we're doing. God be praised!

If you think of us in the coming weeks and months, we welcome your prayers. As wonderful as this time is, we have a few challenges ahead. Then again, when is there not a time for all of us to believe God, right?

So much love to you and yours from ours,
